Monday, March 29, 2010

The Beach!!!

Today of course it took forever to get out of the house, but when we did, we headed to a town called Ceiba. Ceiba is where Roosevelt Roads is, a naval base that got shut down because they claimed that the training they were doing over there was giving people cancer. Anyway, they still have some army reserve units there and we finally were able to rent a minivan there. It is a shame that the base is closed because it is huge and a beautiful place. They had a hospital, nice lodging and brand spankin new barracks that were never lived in.

Well, there is a beach on post. It is beautiful! We stopped there for a while, the kids loved it. Isabelle would not get out of the water! They made sand castles and explored the shore. On the way home, Isabelle got an ear ache, I think she might have had water in her ear, and she cried for a while. We stopped at a small restaurant to eat fried foods like, papa rellena, which is a ball of fried mashed potato with meat in the middle, and empanadillas. They had all kinds of empanadillas, with lobster, shrimp, ground beef, pizza...... it was yummy.

After we got home, Vicky and shaughn stayed at the house with the kids while Edgar, Tasia, my dad and me went to Marshall's. It is so overwhelming!!! So much stuff that we can't get overseas, and stuff that is just so much cheaper here. I got the girls a pixie hollow pop up book.
There is a starbucks there so of course we stopped and got some. I tried the shaken iced tea in passion fruit, it was yummy, and after looking up the calories, I found out that it has no calories!!!

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